The Portuguese laurel is also known under the Dutch name Prunus lusitanica Angustifolia. The cherry laurel is ideally suited for creating beautiful, full hedges. With its medium to dark green leaves that are somewhat thicker and have a leathery feel, the Portuguese laurel adds extra decorative value to your garden. If you like your privacy or want to hide an ugly view, the Portuguese Laurel is very suitable. It can grow to a great height, at least 3 meters. Yet it remains compact in width and does not fan out, making it also very suitable for smaller gardens. The Portuguese laurel is hardy, so you can enjoy a green hedge all year round. It is also suitable for any pruning shape. Therefore also place a few solitary in the garden and prune it into a nice shape.

Characteristics Portuguese Laurel
In principle, the Portuguese laurel needs very little care. It can be planted all year round, except during a frost period. The location where you came up with the cherry laurel also does not matter in principle. It grows equally well in the sun or in a shady spot. In addition to the beautiful leaves, the Portuguese laurel has another special feature. In the months of May / June beautiful clusters of white flowers grow. These can grow up to 15 centimeters in length and are highly attractive to bees, butterflies and birds. By planting the Portuguese laurel in your garden, it also attracts these beautiful and useful animals.

The bloom of the Portuguese cherry laurel
In addition to beautiful leaves, the Portuguese cherry laurel also has a beautiful external feature. In spring, clusters of white flowers appear. These lush trusses can grow up to 15 centimeters long and add even more color to the whole. Because the flower clusters spread such a wonderful scent, bees and butterflies are also attracted to it. We call that bringing nature into the garden. Because the Portuguese Laurel is already large on its own, you do not need so many specimens to create a dense hedge. Mix the excavated soil with some fertilized garden soil. This allows the roots to absorb all the necessary nutrients.

Caring for Portuguese laurel
Plant the Portuguese laurel in soil that is nice and airy and permeable to water. This reduces the risk of root rot. Planting can be done at any location because the Portuguese Laurel has no problems with a spot in full sun or a shady spot. When planting, you can use so-called planting soil. Do not plant the Portuguese laurel too deeply in the ground so that it can develop optimally. To keep the shrub in top condition, annual pruning is recommended at the end of summer. If you skip a year, thick branches will form that can no longer be cut with ordinary pruning shears. It is also advisable to fertilize the Portuguese laurel annually in the spring.

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